Hexxcell Studio™ Hybrid-AI: The Best of Both Worlds

Hexxcell Studio™ is Hexxcell’s digital platform for advanced monitoring, predictive analytics and prescriptive maintenance of industrial thermal systems.

Our proprietary, industry proven Hybrid Digital Twins integrate AI with rigorous physics-based models and deep domain knowledge to accurately monitor heat exchangers, predict fouling and improve performance and optimise maintenance.


It all starts with your data

We know how difficult industrial data can be: missing, biased or erroneous measurements, process noise, variability and uncertainties in the physical properties.
That's why we developed proprietary Al data filtering procedures which we combine with advanced data reconciliation procedures.

The result? Reliable information that can be used to unveil correlations between key operating parameters and performance variables, provide insights into non-obvious interactions and constitute the basis for accurate training and predictions of our hybrid models.


Setup & Deployment

During the setup phase, we train the models on your specific configuration and we make sure they are able to predict accurately. We then connect bi-directionally with the most widely used Historian systems (e.g. OSIsoft® PI and AspenTech InfoPlus.21®) and a variety of other data sources and databases.


Hybrid Digital Twin in action

Once everything is set up, you can enjoy the power and accuracy of our Hybrid-Al Digital Twins via our user friendly Monitoring Dashboard to make informed, data driven decisions. You are able to monitor past performance and see the expected behaviour of the plant according to the most recent production plan and to evaluate impact on energy, emissions and production based on various economic (e.g. low fuel prices, high margins) and technical scenarios (e.g. reduced availability of steam, units off-line).

Hexxcell Studio™ predictive abilities enable you to identify issues in the process and the equipment before they manifest themselves, sending you warnings if the plant is running at an inefficient state or is close to a critical limit (e.g. furnace firing limit or maximum pressure drops) that may result in unnecessary energy consumption, CO2 emissions or production losses.You can finally start making data-driven, optimal decisions about operations and maintenance of your heat exchangers!


Optimise your decision

Optimising operations and plan maintenance has never been easier. Through our Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), always at your fingertips, to make your life easier, Hexxcell Studio™ provides optimal flow splits to be used during operations to minimise fouling while maximising energy recovery between branches. Finally, thanks to its prescriptive maintenance capabilities, it supports cleaning decisions by ranking the most beneficial heat exchangers to be cleaned at any point in time and providing optimal cleaning schedules that maximise future energy recovery and minimises environmental impact.

Hexxcell Method

Fouling in thermal systems is one of the most challenging, long-standing and costly problems the process industry worldwide is facing today. In particular, fouling in heat exchangers and in heat exchanger networks leads to increased operating costs, maintenance issues, environmental impact of operations and health & safety hazards.

Hexxcell Studio™ is the world's first hybrid digital twin for predictive maintenance of industrial heat transfer equipment and is used by Plant Personnel, Maintenance Engineers, Energy Efficiency Analysts and Heat Transfer Specialists around the world to predictively assess the thermal and hydraulic impact of fouling in heat exchangers, to devise mitigation strategies and optimally manage cleaning schedules and flow split operations, reduce fuel consumption and CO2 emissions.

Technical features

Data filtering and reconciliation

We developed proprietary AI data filtering procedures which we combine with advanced data reconciliation procedures.

These capabilities enable it to estimate values of missing measurements, reduce noise in the data and flag issues with sensors which would be very difficult to unveil.

As a result, you can always trust the information provided to you by Hexxcell Studio™ and you can use them to unveil correlations between key operating parameters and performance variables, provide insights into non-obvious interactions and constitute the basis for accurate training and predictions of our hybrid models.

Performance Prediction

Hexxcell Studio™ is the first and currently the only commercially available industry proven Hybrid-AI platform that enables to predict fouling in industrial thermal systems. And it’s able to assess the impact of fouling not just on thermal performance but also on pressure drops. This means that any issue affecting performance, environment and production is accounted for.

Being able to predict future trends, Hexxcell Studio™ enables operators to be warned ahead of time of possible bottlenecks in production and prevent uneconomical and unexpected shutdowns. As a result, it is possible to evaluate in advance the impact of operational decisions, blending strategies and maintenance on operations and economics.

Used by refineries and petrochemical plants worldwide, Hexxcell Studio™ helps increase production and energy efficiency, mitigate fouling, optimize cleaning of heat exchangers, reduce fuel consumption and CO2 emissions.

Scenario Evaluation (what if)

A key benefit of our technology is the ability to identify and analyse, using validated and reliable models, the trade-offs between design activities and operational aspects.

Not only Hexxcell Studio™ mirrors plant operations but its efficient software architecture allows a set of multiple Digital Twins to always run in parallel allowing the simultaneous evaluation of various scenarios such as nominal conditions, turn-down theoretical maximum performance etc..

In operations, users can very easily evaluate the future impact of a selected operation plan on energy consumption, CO2 emissions, maintenance and production.

Maintenance Optimisation

Our optimisation algorithms work in unison with the Hybrid Digital Twins to ensure that all actions recommended by Hexxcell Studio™ are optimised, being the operation of flow split of specific maintenance actions.

Our optimiser considers all plant-level economics and environmental impact, including costs of fuels, production rates, GreenHouse Gas emissions, steam generation, and waste disposal. We use a condition-based based approach so that the current plant conditions are used as a starting point for decision making.


At Hexxcell we are very much aware that to be useful in the field, the results of powerful calculations need to be provided as actionable insights in a simple to understand format.

Our dashboard is easy to use, keeps updated automatically all the time and presents useful Key Performance Indicators for the individual equipment and the whole plant. It allows us to navigate seamlessly past and projected future performance, represented in clear plots against reference values.

Powerful Platform

From a software engineering perspective, Hexxcell Studio™ has been developed with state-of-the-art Cloud native technologies and, whether deployed on premises or on the Cloud, it allows for elastic load management to ensure all processes run smoothly and quickly, maximising the computational power available.

Our APIs allow you to easily exchange bi-directionally information with various software, be it a process historian (e.g. OSIsoft® PI and AspenTech InfoPlus.21®), a planning software, an in-house database, or a simple MS Excel® spreadsheet.

Thanks to its ability of aggregating data from multiple data sources and the flexibility of the implementation, our Hexxcell Studio™ provides a unified framework that helps breaking the “silos” between company functions allowing easy sharing of information between planning, engineering, operations and maintenance.


Increasing Production

Hexxcell Studio™ warns operators ahead of time when throughput limitations will be reached, and it prompts actions to be taken to avoid losing production.

Reduce fuel & CO2 emissions

Thermal inefficiencies lead to increased fuel consumption and related CO2 emissions. Optimally managing your heat transfer equipment means minimizing overall energy consumption and CO2 emission.

Optimise energy consumption and utility generation

By minimizing fouling and optimising the cleaning actions needed,  overall energy consumption is minimised and so is demand on utility usage and steam generation.

Optimising maintenance

Deciding which exchanger to clean, when to clean, and how (i.e. which cleaning method to use) is no obvious task. Hexxcell Studio™ optimises cleaning actions and provides schedules to minimize overall costs.

Mitigating fouling by design

Our Dynamic Retrofit Test™ is a data-driven approach to assess the performance of potential retrofit options for your equipment and allow selecting the one that offers the highest ROI, based on the specifics of your plant.

Valorising your data

Maximise the value of your historian data by extracting actionable insight to mitigate fouling in heat exchangers and improve energy and environmental performance.

End User

Production Engineer

Production Engineers are responsible for the...

Energy Profitability Analyst

They are responsible for the profitability of...

Process Engineer
Simulation Specialist

Working in central offices that support...

Production Planner/Scheduler

Production planners in oil refineries decide which...

Heat Transfer Engineer

Heat Transfer Engineers are often the...

End Users

Production Engineer

Production Engineers are responsible for the day-to-day operations of a specific unit within a process plant. Their primary goal is to ensure that the unit is running smoothly and efficiently, and that the production process is meeting the desired output.


They are the ones who are most closely connected to the operations of the unit and have the most direct impact on its performance.

One of their key responsibilities is to monitor the plant and its performance. Additionally, they may also be responsible for maintaining records of the unit's performance, and analyzing this data to identify trends or patterns.

The advanced warnings provided by Hexxcell Studio™ can play a critical role in helping engineers to manage the operations of the unit. For example, if an advanced warning is provided that the furnace limits are going to be reached in two months, they can take proactive steps to address the issue before it becomes a problem, such as scheduling maintenance or making process changes. They can also use the Hexxcell Studio™ optimiser to decide which is the best flow split to use or heat exchanger to bypass to reduce pressure drops.

Hexxcell Studio™ can help Production Engineers by providing:
Advanced performance monitoring:
- Advance warnings on production limits (e.g. Furnace limits)
- Detailed fouling characteristics in each HEX
- Pressure drops information (soft sensors)

Prediction of future performance:
- KPIs assessment, based on production plant or nominal conditions
- What-if scenarios
- Identification of correlation between fouling rates, fluid physical properties and basic chemistry (with Fouling Propensity Analysis™ module)

Operations improvements:
- Flow split optimization
- Optimise bypass operations under hydraulic limitations

Predictive and Prescriptive maintenance capabilities:
- Identify optimal cleaning schedule
- Planning ahead HEX maintenance
- Select best HEX to clean on opportunity
- Select cleaning methods (mechanical vs chemical vs ultrasounds vs flushing)
- Turnaround planning

Energy Profitability Analyst

Energy Efficiency/ Profitability Analyst: they are responsible for the profitability of the refinery and are looking for opportunities to improve margins.

They play a critical role in identifying opportunities to reduce costs, increase revenue, and improve the overall financial performance of the facility. One of the key areas in which they focus is energy efficiency, as this can have a direct impact on the profitability of the facility.


They analyze plant data, performing energy audits, and implementing process changes or new technologies to improve energy efficiency. They may also work with other teams such as engineering and maintenance to develop and implement strategies to minimize fouling and improve the energy efficiency of the facility.

Hexxcell Studio™ can help Energy Efficiency/ Profitability Analysts by providing:

Advanced performance monitoring:
- Advance warnings on production limits (e.g. Furnace limits)
- Detailed fouling characteristics in each HEX
- Pressure drops information (soft sensors)

Prediction of future performance:
- KPIs assessment, based on production plant or nominal conditions
- What-if scenariosIdentification of correlation between fouling rates, fluid physical properties and basic chemistry (with Fouling Propensity Analysis™ module)

Operations improvements:
- Flow split optimization
- Optimise bypass operations under hydraulic limitations

Predictive and Prescriptive maintenance capabilities:
- Identify optimal cleaning schedule
- Planning ahead HEX maintenance
- Select best HEX to clean on opportunity
- Select cleaning methods (mechanical vs chemical vs ultrasounds vs flushing)
- Turnaround planning

Process Engineer & Simulation Specialist

Process Engineers and Simulation Specialists working in central offices that support multiple plants are typically responsible for providing technical expertise and support to operations.

They are often responsible for analyzing data and making recommendations on the best practices for operating and maintaining the equipment. One of their key responsibilities is to develop and implement strategies to minimize the impact of fouling.


One of the ways they can provide support is by making recommendations on the optimal cleaning schedule for heat exchangers. This may involve determining the frequency and timing of cleaning based on factors such as the type of equipment, the materials being processed, and the operating conditions. Engineers may also recommend specific cleaning methods to be used, such as chemical cleaning or mechanical cleaning, to ensure that the equipment is effectively restored into operations.

Overall, the goal of these engineers is to ensure that the refineries are operating efficiently and effectively, with minimal downtime due to fouling-related issues.

Hexxcell Studio™ can help Production Engineers by providing:

Advanced performance monitoring:
- Advance warnings on production limits (e.g. Furnace limits)
- Detailed fouling characteristics in each HEX
- Pressure drops information (soft sensors)

Prediction of future performance:
- KPIs assessment, based on production plant or nominal conditions
- What-if scenariosIdentification of correlation between fouling rates, fluid physical properties and basic chemistry (with Fouling Propensity Analysis™ module)

Operations improvements:
- Flow split optimization
- Optimise bypass operations under hydraulic limitations

Predictive and Prescriptive maintenance capabilities:
- Identify optimal cleaning schedule
- Planning ahead HEX maintenance
- Select best HEX to clean on opportunity
- Select cleaning methods (mechanical vs chemical vs ultrasounds vs flushing)
- Turnaround planning

Production Planner & Scheduler

Production planners in oil refineries decide which oils to blend to meet specified targets of production and yields. In many cases they have guidelines on which oils are not compatible, but they are not informed on how their decisions affect the fouling behavior and, ultimately, the energy efficiency of the refinery and what impact the blend processed my have on operations.


The Hexxcell Fouling Propensity Index, calculated by our Crude Slate Design™ module, provides Production Planners with detailed information on how different blends of oils may affect the fouling behavior of the refinery, and whether there is a risk of increased fouling and reduced energy efficiency.

Hexxcell Studio™ can help Production Engineers by providing:

Identification of:
- Correlation between fouling rates, oil blend physical properties and basic chemistry
- Problematic oils (i.e. related to high fouling rates)
- Beneficial oils (i.e. related to negative fouling rates)

Diagnosis of fouling episodes:
- Oil slate vs. conditions
- HEXs in which oils are problematic
- Impact of oil blends on operations

Operations improvements:
- Development of blending guidelines with plant data
- Future processing to minimise energy consumption

Heat Transfer Engineer

Heat Transfer Engineers are often the subject matter experts when it comes to fouling. They are responsible for the redesign of the units and troubleshoot fouling events that may affect heat exchangers.

They may also recommend other strategies to minimize fouling such as the use of anti-fouling coatings, or the implementation of process changes to reduce fouling.


They are also required to provide evaluation of new heat exchanger types such as spiral or plate heat exchangers. As a result, they would benefit from Hexxcell Dynamic Retrofit Test™ that allows to de-risk the deployment of such new technologies to the plant.

In addition, the insights provided by our Fouling Propensity Analysis™ is an invaluable tool to help them diagnose causes of fouling and provide recommendations to the plant.

Hexxcell Studio™ can help Heat Transfer Engineers by providing:

- A predictive approach to test performance of a proposed retrofit design
- A quantitative assessment of benefits and drawbacks of re-design on performance, fouling rates, network interactions, pressure drop
- Estimation of economic trade-offs and ROI of various retrofit/mitigation options
- Identification of correlation between fouling rates, fluid physical properties and basic chemistry (with Fouling Propensity Analysis™)
- Diagnosis of fouling episodes and support to troubleshooting

End Users


Production Engineer

Feature one

Production Engineer

Production Engineers are responsible for the day-to-day operations of a specific unit within a process plant. Their primary goal is to ensure that the unit is running smoothly and efficiently, and that the production process is meeting the desired output. They are the ones who are most closely connected to the operations of the unit and have the most direct impact on its performance.

One of their key responsibilities is to monitor the plant and its performance. Additionally, they may also be responsible for maintaining records of the unit's performance, and analyzing this data to identify trends or patterns.

Hexxcell Studio™ can help Production Engineers by providing:
Advanced performance monitoring:
1. Advance warnings on production limits (e.g. Furnace limits)
2. Detailed fouling characteristics in each HEX
3. Pressure drops information (soft sensors)

Prediction of future performance:
1. KPIs assessment, based on production plant or nominal conditions
2. What-if scenarios
3. Identification of correlation between fouling rates, fluid physical properties and basic chemistry (with Fouling Propensity Analysis™ module)

Operations improvements:
1. Flow split optimization
2. Optimise Bypass operations under hydraulic limitations

Predictive and Prescriptive maintenance capabilities:
1. Identify optimal cleaning schedule
2. Planning ahead HEX maintenance
3. Select best HEX to clean on opportunity
4. Select cleaning methods (mechanical vs chemical vs ultrasounds vs flushing)
5. Turnaround planning


Energy/Profitability Analyst

Feature two

Short heading goes here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat.


Feature three

Feature three

Short heading goes here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat.


Feature four

Feature four

Short heading goes here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat.

It all starts with your data

It all starts with your data

We know how difficult industrial data can be: missing, biased or erroneous measurements, process noise, variability and uncertainties in the physical properties.
That's why we developed proprietary Al data filtering procedures which we combine with advanced data reconciliation procedures.

The result? Reliable information that can be used to unveil correlations between key operating parameters and performance variables, provide insights into non-obvious interactions and constitute the basis for accurate training and predictions of our hybrid models.

Setup and Deployment

Setup and Deployment

We know how difficult industrial data can be: missing, biased or erroneous measurements, process noise, variability and uncertainties in the physical properties.

That's why we developed proprietary Al data filtering procedures which we combine with advanced data reconciliation procedures.

The result? Reliable information that can be used to unveil correlations between key operating parameters and performance variables, provide insights into non-obvious interactions and constitute the basis for accurate training and predictions of our hybrid models.

Hybrid Digital Twin in action

Hybrid Digital Twin in action

Once everything is set up, you can enjoy the power and accuracy of our Hybrid-Al Digital Twins via our user friendly Monitoring Dashboard to make informed, data driven decisions. You are able to monitor past performance and see the expected behaviour of the plant according to the most recent production plan and you will be able to evaluate impact on energy, emissions and production based on various economic (e.g. low fuel prices, high margins) and technical scenarios (e.g. reduced availability of steam, units off-line).

Hexxcell Studio™ predictive abilities enable you to identify issues in the process and the equipment before they manifest themselves, sending you warnings if the plant is running at an inefficient state or is close to a critical limit (e.g. furnace firing limit or maximum pressure drops) that may result in unnecessary energy consumption, CO2 emissions or production losses.You can finally start making data-driven, optimal decisions about operations and maintenance of your heat exchangers!

Optimise your decision

Optimise your decision

Optimising operations and plan maintenance has never been easier. Through our Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), always at your fingertips, to make your life easier and enable youHexxcell Studio™ provides optimal flow splits to be used during operations to minimise fouling while maximising energy recovery between branches. Finally, with its prescriptive maintenance capabilities, it will support cleaning decisions by ranking the most beneficial heat exchangers to be cleaned at any point in time and providing optimal cleaning schedules that maximise future energy recovery and minimises environmental impact.

Hexxcell Studio™ will also provide optimal flow splits to be used during operations to minimise fouling while maximise energy recovery. Finally, with its prescriptive maintenance capabilities, it will support cleaning decisions by ranking the most beneficial heat exchangers to be cleaned at any point in time and providing optimal cleaning schedules that maximise future energy recovery and minimises environmental impact.

Case Studies

Repsol Refineries

As a part of Repsol Digital’s initiatives, Repsol implemented Hexxcell’s Hybrid Digital Twin technology for accurate monitoring and predictive maintenance of crude pre-heat trains. Hexxcell Studio™ has been scaled up to all Repsol refineries, enabling them with new decision-making capabilities.
Repsol has also decided to implement our Crude Slate Design™ to make decisions on oil blending to minimise the impact on their energy efficiency and CO2 emissions. After a thorough validation process of the tool, it was established that CIT predictions were within <1% (±2 °C) and that the tool can be trusted for blending decision-making.Some o the benefits reported by the refineries from decisions made based on Hexxcell Studio™ include:
- 3% production savings
- Increase in CIT of ca. 1.5-2°C and 8% reduction in CO2 emissions due to fouling
- Increase in CIT of ca. 5°C and savings of > 300 ton CO2 per month after the T/A

“Hexxcell Hybrid Digital Twins enabled Repsol refineries saving millions of Euros in fuel consumption and production losses”


American Oil&Gas Company

A major US Oil&Gas company used Hexxcell Studio™ to analyse operating data collected on exchangers from seven different crude preheat trains covering several run-cycles. The data included pressure drop measurements as well as thermal performance measurements. The data set covered over 100 years of operation with a wide range of feedstocks and operating conditions and different tube metallurgies.

The simultaneous consideration of temperatures and pressures allowed estimating the growth of fouling thermal resistance and hydraulic resistance (fouling layer thickness) with time in the exchangers. A paper summarizing the procedure and the results was presented at the AIChE Spring Meeting in 2016.

Clean As New, USA

Clean As New is an industrial cleaning company with an innovative and unique approach that combines patented ultrasonic cleaning and robotic rinsing technologies to clean heat exchangers, piping components, and parts to a like new condition. Clean as new were looking at rigorously estimating what are the benefits of “better cleaning” compared to traditional mechanical cleaning technologies.

Hexxcell Hybrid Digital Twin technology enabled us to accurately assess the benefits that improved cleaning would provide to our customers, removing assumptions and uncertainties in the evaluation. These included the costs of each cleaning action, fuel savings, CO2 emissions and loss in throughput. We found Hexxcell Studio™ to be a valuable tool for anyone wanting to better manage their heat exchanger cleaning actions.”

Roberto Tomotaki - Heat Exchanger Advisor, Clean As New

OMV Schwechat Refinery

OMV Schwechat Refinery is one of Europe’s largest and most modern inland refineries, highly committed to sustainability and a leader in sustainable practices, with advanced technologies in place to reduce emissions and minimize environmental impact. OMV were looking to extend their existing heat exchanger monitoring capabilities by being able to predict future performance and to optimize their cleaning cycles with the goal of increasing margins and energy efficiency while cutting CO2 emissions.

"After a rigorous validation of the mathematical models underlying the Hexxcell technology, we decided to implement Hexxcell Hybrid Digital Twin advanced monitoring and predictive maintenance solution for our crude pre-heat train. As a result, the refinery is now able to monitor the performance of the train, optimise flow split operations and cleaning cycles. This has led to an overall increase in energy efficiency, allowing the refinery to save fuel, CO2 emission and avoid production losses. Hexxcell Studio™ has been a valuable asset for OMV Refinery in supporting cleaning decision making and operations."

Roland Cziferszky, Senior Profitability Engineer

European Petrochemical Plant

A European petrochemical plant operated a plate heat exchanger that was fouling very rapidly. Operations had to call maintenance to open and clean the exchanger every month. In some cases, the exchanger was getting clogged, leading to significant losses in production and headaches in operations.

The Company was looking for a way of predicting in advance when to call maintenance and to optimize the cleaning cycles to minimse energy consumption and disruption to operations. Thanks to Hexxcell Studio™ they were able to predict when and what to do about it.

Petrobrazi Refinery

With an annual refining capacity of 4.5 MN tons/year of crude oil, Petrobrazi is one of the largest refineries in Romania. The refinery is a leading adopter of digital technology and were looking to acquire advanced monitoring and predictive maintenance capabilities for their heat exchangers. In particular, operations were constrained by increasing pressure drops caused by fouling so they selected Hexxcell's Hybrid Digital Twin technology for its ability of accounting and predicting not just the thermal impact of fouling but also its impact on pressure drops.

Implementing Hexxcell Studio in daily operations has brought significant benefits to the OMV Petrobrazi Refinery. With the advanced monitoring capabilities and accuracy provided by Hexxcell's Hybrid Digital Twin technology, we are now able to accurately monitor the performance of our heat exchangers and selecting the optimal cleaning action, accounting for hydraulic limitations of the network. As a result, we can now make operational and maintenance decisions based on rigorous calculations and quantitative information, as opposed to experience or limitations of in-house spreadsheet calculations.

Calin Melinte - Manager, Process Engineering Department