Hexxcell featured as an example of technology transfer success

Hexxcell News

Prof. Macchietto, Hexxcell’s Chairman and CEO addressed an audience of key executives of the Italian industry illustrating the history of Hexxcell. The presentation was given as a part of a Study Tour in London organised by Confindustria, the lead organization representing the Italian manufacturing, construction, energy, and services industries, with the support of Imperial Innovations and Imperial College Business School. At the one day workshop at Imperial College, Hexxcell was introduced to the audience as a case study of successful technology transfer from Academia to Industry. During his presentation, Prof. Macchietto illustrated key aspect and challenges of the company formation: the ideation and research behind the technology, the proof of concept and proof of market, the IP protection and negotiation with the College, the assembly of the management team. He also described the start of operations since the foundation of the company, the current improvements to the technology readiness level, the acquisition of the first customers, the market development and the present day operations.