Conference abstract
Coletti, F. and Macchietto, S. (2007). Modelling of fouling in crude oil pre–heat trains to reduce furnace duty and emissions. Institute of Physics, Early–Career Researchers’ Meeting, Loughborough, UK. Sep. 4th.
Conference abstract
Coletti, F. and Macchietto, S. (2008). Modelling of Fouling in Crude Oil Pre–Heat Trains to Reduce Energy Losses and Carbon Emissions. AIChE Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA (USA). Abstract No. 592b. Nov. 16-21.
Conference abstract
Coletti. F and Macchietto, S. (2009). Multi–Scale Modelling of Refinery Pre–Heat Trains: Effects of Crude Fouling On Energy Recovery, Carbon Emissions and Economics. AIChE Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN (USA). Abstract No. 364d. Nov. 8-13.
Conference abstract
Polley, G.T. ,D.I. Wilson, S. Macchietto, F. Coletti and J.D. Kumana (2010). Holistic Approach to the Revamping and De–Bottlenecking of Pre–Heat Trains. AIChE Spring Meeting, San Antonio, TX (USA). Mar. 21-25.
Conference abstract
Polley, G.T., D.I. Wilson, S. Macchietto, F. Coletti and J.D. Kumana (2010). Review of Developments in the Use of Fouling Models in Pre–Heat Train Design and Operational Analysis. AIChE Spring Meeting, San Antonio, TX (USA). Mar. 21-25.
Conference abstract
Tajudin, Z.B., S. Macchietto, F. Coletti, G.F. Hewitt (2014). Mathematical Simulation and Model Validation of HiPOR, a High Pressure Crude Oil Fouling Measuring Rig. AIChE Annual Meeting. 16-21 Nov., Atlanta, GA (USA).
Conference abstract
Diaz-Bejarano, E., Coletti. F and Macchietto, S. (2014). Detailed thermo-hydraulic modelling of crude oil heat exchangers abnormal fouling behaviour due to inorganic deposits. AIChE Annual Meeting. 16-21 Nov., Atlanta, GA (USA).
Conference abstract
Coletti, F. and Macchietto, S. (2010). Refinery preheat train modelling, simulation and energy optimisation –the next generation. Process Systems Enterprise (PSE) Annual Meeting, London, UK, Sep 15-17.
Conference abstract
Coletti. F, G.F. Hewitt, D.R. Dugwell and Macchietto, S. (2010). Integrating Crude Oil Fouling Modelling and Experiments On a New High Pressure Pilot-Scale Test Rig. AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT (USA). Nov. 7-12.
Conference abstract
•Coletti. F and Macchietto, S. (2010). Retrofit of Refinery Heat Exchangers to Mitigate Fouling Based On An Advanced Thermo-Hydraulic Model. AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT (USA). Nov. 7-12.
Conference abstract
Coletti. F and S. Macchietto (2014). An Integrated Software Framework for the Simulation, Monitoring, Design and Retrofit of Heat Exchanger Networks Subject to Fouling. AIChE Annual Meeting. 16-21 Nov., Atlanta, GA (USA).
Conference abstract
Tajudin, Z., E. Diaz-Bejarano, F. Coletti, S. Macchietto and G. F. Hewitt (2015). Effect of friction factor correlations and error propagation on differential pressure in a crude oil fouling measuring rig. AIChE Annual Meeting. 8-13 Nov., Salt Lake City, UT (USA). Paper ID# 435539.
Conference abstract
Diaz-Bejarano, E., L. Lanchas, F. Coletti and S. Macchietto (2015). Condition-Based Cleaning of Refinery Heat Exchangers Undergoing Crude Oil Fouling. AIChE Annual Meeting. 8-13 Nov., Salt Lake City, UT (USA). Paper ID# 435549.
Conference abstract
Crastes, M., L. Lagkaditi, J. Ball, J. Yang, F. Coletti, S. Macchietto, O. K. Matar Numerical study of crude oil fouling in a Taylor-Couette-type reactor. American Physical Society, Division of Fluid Dynamics, Annual Meeting. 22-24 Nov., Boston, MA (USA).
Conference abstract
Yang, J., F. Coletti, E.A. Müller, S. Macchietto, and O.K. Matar (2015). Numerical simulation of fouling in crude-oil heat exchangers: The interaction between different fouling routes. AIChE Annual Meeting. 8-13 Nov., Salt Lake City, UT (USA).
Conference abstract
Diaz-Bejarano, E., F. Coletti and S. Macchietto (2017). Monitoring and analysis of inorganics breakthrough in refinery pre-heat trains. AIChE Spring Meeting. 26-30 Mar. San Antonio, TX (USA). Abstract #480226.
Conference abstract
Trukhan, S. N., R. I. Rueda-Velásquez, V. Subramani, O. N. Martyanov and F. Coletti (2016). The Stratification of Crude Oil Residues at Elevated Temperatures Detected Via in-Situ ESR. AIChE Spring Meeting. 10-14 Apr., Houston, TX (USA). Paper ID# 443138.
Conference abstract
Lanchas-Fuentes, L., E. Díaz-Bejarano, Francia, V., S. Macchietto and F. Coletti (2016). Cleaning heat exchangers: how, when, where and how much? AIChE Spring Meeting. 10-14 Apr. Houston, TX (USA).
Conference abstract
Diaz-Bejarano, E., F. Coletti and S. Macchietto (2017). A novel way of monitoring heat exchanger performance: the dynamic TH-λ plot. AIChE Spring Meeting. 26-30 Mar. San Antonio, TX (USA). Abstract #480245.
Conference abstract
Coletti, F., E. Diaz-Bejarano, S. Macchietto, L. Lanchas (2017). Evaluation, Prediction, Management and Mitigation of Fouling in Heat Exchanger Networks for Improved Energy Efficiency. AIChE Spring Meeting. 26-30 Mar. San Antonio, TX (USA). Abstract #480200.
Conference abstract
Coletti (2017). On the combined use of dynamic simulations and plant data to account for fouling in heat exchanger design. 2nd Thermal &Fluids Engineering Conf., 3-5 Apr., Las Vegas, NA (USA).
Conference abstract
Coletti, F., E. Diaz-Bejarano and S. Macchietto (2017). Retrofitting Heat Exchangers with High Shear Stress Design: Evaluating the Impact on Performance of Crude Pre-Heat Trains. AIChE Spring Meeting. 26-30 Mar. San Antonio, TX (USA). Abstract #480163.
Conference abstract
Diaz-Bejarano, E. and F. Coletti (2017). Effects of fouling build-up on shell-side clearances and its impact on thermo-hydraulic performance of refinery heat exchangers. UK Heat Transfer Conference, 4-5 Sep., Brunel University London.
Conference abstract
Diaz-Bejarano, E., F. Coletti and S. Macchietto (2017). A numerical investigation of thermal-conductivity mixing models for crude oil fouling deposits. UK Heat Transfer Conference, 4-5 Sep., Brunel University London.
Conference abstract
Diaz-Bejarano, E., Yugo Santos, M., Garcia Dopico, M. and Coletti, F. (2017). Evaluation of heat exchanger network retrofit design using plant data. UK Heat Transfer Conference, 4-5 Sep., Brunel University London.
Conference pubblications
• losses in oil refineries: a heat exchanger fouling model. Sustainable Energy UK Oxford, UK, May 13-14.
Conference pubblications
Coletti, F. and Macchietto, S. (2009). A heat exchanger model to increase energy efficiency in refinery pre–heat trains. In: R. Gani and A. Kraslawski (Eds.), Eur. Sym. Computer Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE) 19. Cracow, Poland, Jun. 14-17. Elsevier, pp: 1245-1250.
Conference pubblications
Coletti, F. and S. Macchietto (2009). Predicting Refinery Energy Losses Due to Fouling in Heat Exchangers. In: R.M. de Brito Alves, C.A. Oller do Nascimento and E Chalbaud Biscaia Jr. (Eds.), Int. Sym. Process Systems Engineering (PSE) ’09. Salvador de Bahia, Brazil, Aug. 16-20. Elsevier, pp: 219-224.
Conference pubblications
Macchietto, S., G.F. Hewitt, F. Coletti, B.D. Crittenden, D.R. Dugwell, A. Galindo, G. Jackson, R. Kandiyoti, S.G. Kazarian, P.F. Luckham, O.K. Matar, M. Millan–Agorio, E.A. Müller, W. Paterson, S.J. Pugh, S.M. Richardson and D.I. Wilson (2009). Fouling in Crude Oil Preheat Trains: a Systematic Solution to an Old Problem. In: H. Müller–Steinhagen, M.R. Malayeri and P. Watkinson, (Eds.), Int. Conf. Heat Exchangers Fouling and Cleaning. Schladming, Austria, Jun. 14-19, pp: 1-14. (Selected to appear on special issue of Heat Transfer Eng.).
Conference pubblications
Coletti, F. and S. Macchietto (2009). Refinery pre–heat train network simulation: assessment of energy efficiency and carbon emissions. In: H. Müller–Steinhagen, M.R. Malayeri and P. Watkinson (Eds.), Int. Conf. Heat Exchangers Fouling and Cleaning. Schladming, Austria, Jun. 14-19, pp: 61-68. (Selected to appear on special issue of Heat Transfer Eng.).
Conference pubblications
Coletti, F. and S. Macchietto and Polley G.T. (2010). Effects of fouling on performance of retrofitted heat exchanger networks. a thermo–hydraulic based analysis. In: S. Pierucci and G. Buzzi Ferraris (Eds.), Eur. Sym. Computer Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE) 20. Ischia, Naples, Italy. Jun. 6-9. Elsevier, pp: 19-24. (Selected to appear on special issue of Comp. Chem. Eng.).
Conference pubblications
Coletti, F. and S. Macchietto (2010). Validation of a Novel Model for Shell–and–Tube Heat Exchangers Undergoing Crude Oil Fouling. In: Proc. 14th Int. Heat Transfer Conf. (IHTC14). 10-15 Aug., Washington, DC (USA), ASME. Paper IHTC14-23158, pp: 741-750.
Conference pubblications
Tajudin, Z., J. Martinez, E. Diaz-Bejarano, I. Valkov, P. Orzlowski, F. Coletti, S. Macchietto and G.F. Hewitt (2015). Experimental analysis and baseline hydraulic characterization of HiPOR, a high pressure crude oil fouling rig. In: S. Pierucci, J. J. Klemeš (Eds.), Int. Conf. on Chemical & Process Engineering (ICheaP12). 9-12 May, Milan, Italy.
Conference pubblications
Diaz-Bejarano, E., G. Pelloja, F. Coletti and S. Macchietto (2015). Optimal Heat Exchanger Bypass Control to Mitigate the Cost of Fouling in Refinery Preheat Trains. In: S. Pierucci, J. J. Klemeš (Eds.), Int. Conf. on Chemical & Process Engineering (ICheaP12). 9-22 May, Milan, Italy.
Conference pubblications
Diaz-Bejarano, E., F. Coletti and S. Macchietto (2015). Beyond Fouling Factors: a Reaction Engineering Approach to Crude Oil Fouling Modelling. In: H. Müller–Steinhagen, M.R. Malayeri and P. Watkinson, (Eds.), Int. Conf. Heat Exchangers Fouling and Cleaning. 07-12 Jun., Enfield, Ireland.
Conference pubblications
Diaz-Bejarano, E., F. Coletti and S. Macchietto (2015). Crude Oil Fouling Deposition, Suppression, Removal and How to Tell the Difference. In: H. Müller–Steinhagen, M.R. Malayeri and P. Watkinson, (Eds.), Int. Conf. Heat Exchangers Fouling and Cleaning. 07-12 Jun., Enfield, Ireland.
Conference pubblications
Diaz-Bejarano, E., F. Coletti and S. Macchietto (2015). Detection of changes in fouling behaviour by simultaneous monitoring of thermal and hydraulic performance of refinery heat exchangers. Krist V. Gernaey, Jakob K. Huusom and Rafiqul Gani (Eds.), 12th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering and 25th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering. 31 May – 4 June, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Conference pubblications
Diaz-Bejarano, E. and F. Coletti (2015). Modelling Shell-Side Crude Oil Fouling in Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchangers. In: H. Müller–Steinhagen, M.R. Malayeri and P. Watkinson, (Eds.), Int. Conf. Heat Exchangers Fouling and Cleaning. 07-12 Jun., Enfield, Ireland.
Conference pubblications
Coletti, F., E. Diaz-Bejarano, J. Martinez, S. Macchietto (2015). Heat exchanger design with high shear stress: reducing fouling or throughput? In: H. Müller–Steinhagen, M.R. Malayeri and P. Watkinson, (Eds.), Int. Conf. Heat Exchangers Fouling and Cleaning. 07-12 Jun., Enfield, Ireland.
Conference pubblications
Lanchas-Fuentes, L., E. Díaz-Bejarano, S. Macchietto and F. Coletti (2016). Condition-based chemical cleaning of crude oil fouling deposits – a conceptual model. 26th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering. 12-15 Jun., Portorož Slovenia.
Conference pubblications
Diaz-Bejarano, E., F. Coletti and S. Macchietto (2015) Impact of crude oil fouling composition on the thermo-hydraulic performance of refinery pre-heat trains. 11th Int. Conf. Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics (HEFAT15). 20-23 Jul., Kruger National Park, South Africa.
Conference pubblications
Diaz-Bejarano, E., F. Coletti and S. Macchietto (2016). Model-based monitoring of thermal-hydraulic performance of refinery heat exchangers undergoing fouling. 26th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering. 12-15 Jun., Portorož Slovenia.
Conference pubblications
Lanchas-Fuentes L., E. Diaz-Bejarano, S. Macchietto, F. Coletti (2016). Management of Cleaning Types and Schedules in Refinery Heat Exchangers. 12th Int. Conf. Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics (HEFAT16). 11-13 Jul., Malaga, Spain (Best Paper award in the Thermal Management and Control session).
Conference pubblications
• Seegulam, N., F. Coletti and S. Macchietto (2017) Effect of Fouling on Control and Energy Recovery in an Industrial CDU Column Antonio. In: Espuña, Moisès Graells and Luis Puigjaner (Eds), Proceedings of the 27th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering – (ESCAPE 27), Oct. 1-5, Barcelona, Spain.
Conference pubblications
Diaz-Bejarano, E, F. Coletti and S. Macchietto (2017). Complex crude oil fouling layers: model predictions Vs. experimental compositional analysis of refinery deposits. Int. Conf. Heat Exchangers Fouling and Cleaning, 11-16 Jun., Madrid, Spain.
Conference pubblications
Diaz-Bejarano, E. M. Yugo Santos, M. García Dopico, L. Lanchas Fuentes and F. Coletti (2017). The Impact of Fouling on the Optimal Design of a Heat Exchanger Network: An Industrial Case Study. Int. Conf. Heat Exchangers Fouling and Cleaning, 11-16 Jun., Madrid, Spain (in collaboration with Respol).